How was your week? My insurance policy was saved by B of A, my stock portfolio was devoid of WaMu, my mortgage payments are fixed and affordable, I grow most of my own produce in the basement hydroponically, (with solar powered grow lights), and I have my own natural gas…
I needed to take a break from raging against the utter nonsense of the Republican Presidential campaign, so thank God the economy is collapsing around me…I have some thoughts about that. Although this too, in my most humble opinion, is a mostly Republican fiasco, they could not have brought the…
I promised myself that I would remain focused and optimistic, at least for the next 51 days, but holy crap, Batman! I’ve actually had conversations with people who think that Sarah Palin is, if not the actual second coming, at least as good as it’s going to get; people whose…
Ok, so I helped boost the TV ratings for the GOP convention. Very simply, I was hopefully curious. Whatever my core beliefs, I was guardedly open to there being something of substance to take away from all the hoopla. Sadly, it was not the case. It was like watching Karl…