

This is NOT the 54th addition of my year-end poem.  Per usual, I spent the year collecting items of news and a too long list of many who died during the last twelve months and began my post-Thanksgiving rhymathon.  I got this far: I apologize in advance For the lack…

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16 Years of Sundays

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It’s horrible, heart-breaking, horrendous, hateful and any other cleansing-breath ‘h’ word you might add to the list.  For those of us not currently in that harm’s way, imagining the terror of what is unfolding in Israel and the Palestinian territories couldn’t possibly approach its reality.  Surely, the malicious brutality being…

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For more than 15 years of Sundays, I have begun each 7-day lead up to my collection of opinions leaning as far toward the half-fullness of my nature as possible.  I have been mostly unsuccessful. So, with apologies to my rosiest of friends and family, I’m not even going to…

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‘Nuff said

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Train riders hear the warning from the incessant badgering of conductors and pre-recorded loops, reminding them to, “Mind the Gap!”  There’s an entire culture based on people who have a natural, (unnatural?), Letterman-esque gap in the middle of their upper teeth.  There’s the ‘gap year’ which has become an almost…

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L’Shana Tova

5784 Wasn’t it just 5643?

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We are inundated with rules for most of our lives…rules of the house, rules of the game, rules of the road.  Roberts wrote a bunch of rules to help maintain civility and order in both public and private gatherings.  There are religious rules and civic rules that we have elevated…

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I can’t think of any positive spin to put on waste.  I’m challenged, as well, to find examples of it for which humans are not directly responsible.  It comes in many forms:  food, natural resources, opportunity, space and most tragically and maybe encompassing all others, time.  Nearly all human activity…

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First off, can we stop saying shit like, “everyone’s equal under the law”?  This week’s circus in Fulton County, GA was irrefutable evidence of what a load of crap that notion is…just ask any black jaywalker, who has been processed through that same facility, if their experience was anything like…

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