Archive for August, 2016


Okay, I’m suspending my hiatus on using the name Donald J. Trump, because I’ve been hearing some things and absorbing information that seems too important to keep to myself.  I can’t be sure where I heard this stuff or if it just popped into my head like so many of the…

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Amidst all of the hoo-ha, name-calling, chest-thumping, finger-pointing, poll-taking and retaking, what’s missing in this campaign, (maybe it’s always been missing), is a comprehensive list of existential, social and economic issues that each candidate should be compelled to address.  In fact, that list should be all they are allowed to…

In: Blog

Going for Gold

It’s an Olympic year and thousands of mostly young athletes have marched into Brazil with varying degrees of expectation that they will leave as medalists and, Zeus willing, gold medalists.  The IOC, the very, very profitable governing body of both the summer and winter every-four-year testosterone frenzy, has honed the…

In: Blog

What Matters

It’s certainly not the crap that gets the most press and attention. Politics obviously doesn’t matter.  The baseless bullshit that masquerades for the causes and programs proposed by candidates and incumbents alike has minimal cumulative import and even less inherent benefit to the health, safety or emotional well-being of us,…

In: Blog