Archive for April, 2015


I don’t know that much about Dr. Oz, (I think he’s the real Oprah doctor, not the fake, Dr. Phil one), or the hullabaloo surrounding his endorsement of suspect weight-loss products, but the media frenzy and his impassioned, yet half-hearted response to claims that he is knowingly hawking snake oil…

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Going Postal

I get Doug “Gryrocopterman” Hughes’ frustration on many levels.  As a postman, his awareness of the need to personally deliver important mail, rather than to trust the hit-or-miss USPS, is an issue with which I have wrestled on numerous occasions, (just try to actually track something you’ve sent by the…

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If I Ran Iran

If I was, say…Ayatollah Joelie, for instance, and I had, like, most of my country bowing to my every pronouncement, I think I could come up with something a little more inspiring than, “Death to America!” as my go to rallying cry.  Not that it doesn’t seem to play well…

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An Eye for an Eye

Here’s the reason a room full of powder-wigged-smarty-pants forefathers knew that a new nation, whose most fundamental precepts were freedom and equality, (except, of course, for the human chattel which somehow didn’t figure into their original vision), for “all”, had to mandate a distinct separation of church and state: Religions…

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