Archive for June, 2023


Yeah, I know…but there’s an awful lot of it going around these days and it’s just, well…stupid.  Our criminally rampaging ex-President is stupid.  So, was 43, but W wasn’t despicable, however, and stupid and despicable is way more troubling than merely being vacuously incompetent.  The kind of stupid that has…

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Justice, in its purest form, is the concept of equal and fair treatment or the person tasked to dispense such treatment and the United States of America is the first country founded on the basic principle of “…freedom and justice for all”.  That was a lofty declaration by our founders…

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The trials of the wonton, twice-impeached, crime boss, ex-President of the United States will, barring the total collapse of civility in America, begin forthwith.  The accompanying idiomatic tribulations have already begun.  The forty-nine-page indictment that was filed this week by a Florida Grand Jury is so damning that anyone else…

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I’m personally drawn to the notion of it being another man’s floor.  Its very loud and newsy iteration of being an imaginary boundary requiring continually legislated expansion to avoid imminent disaster, well, that’s just political bullshit.  The world’s economy teeters on the whim and perception of a handful of purposely…

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