Archive for February, 2012

Leap This

I always love Billy Crystal’s Oscar openings and I’ll be watching in anticipation tonight hoping that he might give a shout out to my Mom who will celebrate her 23rd birthday on Wednesday, (that’s 92 in leap years).  Mom shipped boxes of her infamous cookies and pastry to the scoring…

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Post Script

As the world gawks at the last spectacle in the tragic and too short life of Whitney, any outrage toward the culpability of pharmaceuticals will quickly dissipate as self and assisted medication is prescribed to cope with facing the anxiety of such heart-wrenching sadness.  Do we simply not care that…

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The Equality Myth

The ink was barely dry on the Declaration of Independence before all kinds of folks started lining up to get their piece of the “all men are created equal/endowed by certain inalienable rights” proclamation.  In hindsight, the rhetoric of a few, powder-wigged elitists, as magnanimous as they may have seemed,…

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Church State

Just to make sure that it’s perfectly clear to all of the bible-thumping, right-to-life-lobbying, holier-than-thou religionists who believe that the United States of America and all of the people in it must subscribe to their specific catechism or burn in hell:   please note the symbolic separation between the two nouns…

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