Archive for January, 2016


If this was a TV show, whomever was having this dream, (you know, the one where Trump is the frontrunner for the Republicans and Bernie Sanders is kicking Hillary’s ass, which may not even matter if the FBI throws her in the slammer, and Michigan is poisoning everybody in Flint,…

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She’s Back

Because this is America, everyone has the Constitutional right to say almost anything short of threatening a Federal official, yelling “FIRE!” in a knowingly incendiary-less theater or using otherwise actionably slanderous language. Nothing, other then our individually calibrated moral compasses, demands us to be truthful and there are even less…

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My Fellow Americans…

These are the words that we always hear each year, just before the President begins to feed us a diatribe of well-spun reasons why we, Americans, are better, richer, more powerful, admired, beloved and luckier than anyone else…anywhere else on Earth. This year’s State of the Union began as always,…

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Background Chex®

First of all, I don’t understand what all the fuss is about; Chex® in the background or the foreground, in a yummy, buttery mix…how did this become such a divisive issue? And the gun show thing…that would be about sugary cereal, no? Regardless, polls have been taken and a majority…

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I have set hundreds of preposterous goals in my life with a better than average ATTAINMENT:FAILURE quotient. I think it’s due to my parents tacitly instilling a “you-can-achieve-anything-you-really-set-your-mind-to” attitude somewhere in my impressionably young, subconscious mind. I learned to fly, (if you jump from the top of the stairs of…

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