Archive for January, 2013

Hail to the Chief

I really wasn’t prepared for Monday’s Inauguration ceremony to be a goose-bumpy moment; certainly not like last time.  But then, the guy I actually voted for showed up to take the oath, (even if he couldn’t get out the word “states”), and gave the unexpected speech that I’d been waiting…

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Coming Out

Hey…did you hear?  Jodie Foster sorta said she’s gay.  Lance Armstrong…doper/cheater/bully…probably not gay?…Oprah didn’t ask…Anderson Cooper [giggle, giggle, giggle]. Look, the Golden Globes is a pointless enough exercise of celebrities trying to act humble and grateful while alcoholically challenged.  Usually the highlights are about the prepared or seemingly unprepared musings…

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It was announced this week that a group of US banks, including the too-big-to-fail JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo, have agreed to an $8,500,000,000.00 settlement to address claims against fraudulent and oppressive mortgage practices, (you remember, the ones that brought our country to its economic knees). …

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Should Auld Acquiescing Congress Be Forgot…?

Just so we’re clear, before anyone begins to think that a new calendar page is an optimistic signal of potentially good things to come, the thoroughly dysfunctional body, now known as the 113th  Congress of the United States of America, began 2013 by pretending to do good work in averting…

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