Archive for October, 2020


I’ve never been much of a wisher.  For nearly seventy years, I blasphemed the sacred birthday candle ritual, first, by revealing my desire against Robert’s Rules or the Magna Carta or Declaration of Independence, (I’m sure it’s written down in some very important document), mandate for sworn secrecy, and second,…

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Who Cares?

As retorts go, “Who Cares?”, is an inexplicable, early-learned, nearly universal mainstay of our otherwise varied and nuanced lexicons.  In childhood, it’s often the last-ditch non-sequitur when caught red-handed and develops through adolescence and adulthood into verbal shorthand for, “Go fuck yourself!”.  In most incidences, its usage, though a maddening…

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Herd This!

Unfortunately, for sane, thinking Americans, the President’s ass is so big, there seems to be no limit to the amount or variety of shit he can pull out of it.  And, being void of the evolutionary mechanism that sorts fact from outright horsepucky, makes him equal parts comical, (in a…

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Shut Up!

I’m conflicted.  I was sure I was a 100% free speech guy.  Go ahead!  Say whatever you want!  Call me names!  Sticks and stones and all that, don’t you know?  But…when a man…or a woman…says things that have dire consequences, there is a need for an addendum to the Constitution. …

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There’s probably another word I’m looking for, (go ahead and weigh in), other than the Carrie White condition of moving things around with one’s thoughts, (I actually spent way too much time yesterday, trying to mind meld with my car keys), but this will get my point across and, besides,…

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