Archive for April, 2010

Financial Reform

Let’s see, during the financial meltdown, a bunch of watch dogs at the SEC were spending more than half of their work days surfing porn on the InterNet, (probably causing them to miss a thing or two), another gaggle of investment brokers at Goldman Sachs were texting or emailing each…

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They Shoot Arizonans…Don’t They?

In Arizona, it will soon be legal to carry a concealed weapon, without a special permit.  I’m not exactly sure why they’ve decided that this is important, but I’m definitely changing the route of “Hopscotch Across America”, (I’m thinking a pledge of 10 cents per hop for any of you wishing…

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Where the Buck Stops

HST understood the importance of publicly taking responsibility, for better or for, (Hiroshima/Nagasaki), worse.  We could certainly do with a bit more culpable accountability, in general, but most importantly from those with a large public forum.  Most kids learn early on, after being caught red-handed, (is that some Cain reference?),…

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Great Expectations

I’ve always had lofty expectations.  I can’t really remember a time when I wasn’t looking ahead to something grander in all of the areas that truly matter in life:  wealth, station, love, power, a cool blue and silver Schwinn Roadmaster, (aka iPad 3G).  Aging has changed, but never lessened the…

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