Like many of you, I’m well into my third day of reheated servings of the traditionally yummy remains of Thursday’s gorge-fest. I’m also a week into a relatively non-stop hug-a-round with my two favorite little people and their mom. And…the weather today was pushing 80 requiring no defrosting or shoveling…
Something happened, right? I mean, we’re here…unless we’re all simply figments of Rod Serling’s imagination. In fact, our minuscule brains can’t begin to comprehend The Creation any more than say, the popularity of Dancing With the Stars. So, we have made up any number of ridiculous scenarios, banded together in self-righteous congregations and chosen…
The world as we know it will end because of TB. Not tuberculosis…True Believers. Human evolution has diddled with our mobility, the use of our extremities, language skills, (at least in some of us), and various voluntary and involuntary reflexes. What hasn’t evolved in any way is our primordial fear…
Here’s the problem class…the turmoil sweeping the globe like an unbridled tsunami is, in fact, no way comparable to the unpredictable devastation brought on by Mother Nature. Our disastrous chaos is manmade, totally predictable, unnecessary and avoidable. Most every horrible situation facing our planet, (even drought and flooding to some…