I think I wrote a very cynical piece during the Beijing Games, (I’m too lazy to check), about how nationalism and commercialism diminishes the purity of the best-of-the-best competition between athletes. Assuming I did, and with the start of the London Games, (and the crazy notion that I’m still blogging…
It wasn’t someone yelling “FIRE!” in a crowded theater in Aurora, CO this week, but someone actually firing into the crowd. The NRA will tell anyone who cares to listen that it wasn’t guns that killed twelve and wounded fifty-eight more, (ironically, statistics would indicate that it’s likely that some…
I guess my bullshit filter has discounted so much of the blather that I lost track of just how unbalanced the negative, unsubstantiated deluge of mostly misinformation has become. Suddenly I realize that the squeakiest wheels, hurling thunderbolts of impending Armageddon down upon those who would dare to stand up…
I suppose it’s because there are so few issues, but, of late, much of the news media have begun to lead off their reports with the SuperPac race for the money, and guess what? The pro Obama SuperPacs are losing. And guess what else? No one should give a shit….
Insurers certainly don’t; politicians, with few exceptions, too preoccupied with reelection; hospitals and doctors, (although many nurses get a pass), rarely; the court, Supreme or otherwise, despite their insignificant and bumbling decisions of the past week…no!; the church…holy shit, no! Of course, I mean caring about important stuff like the…