Archive for October, 2012

God’s Will

I believe that everyone should have the right to believe in a gendered or genderless being/force/flyingspaghettimonster who may omnipotently care or chose not to care about the 9,000-year-old, (or older), speck of cosmic dust called Earth and the creatures huddled thereon.  But…because most of those beliefs imply, infer or out-and-out…

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Politics for Dummies

When I was seven or eight, I decided to teach myself how to play the guitar.  Guitar for Beginners by Rennie Lester was at eye level, (my 4’-2” eye level anyway), on the rack in Krupp’s music store, so I paid the seventy-five cents and hurried home.  My older brother…

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De Bait

I believe in debate.  I believe that discussions between passionate people with differing opinions can lead to better solutions to problems than tackling them from a single-minded point of view.  Modern political campaigns and American-Idolesque face-offs masquerading as debate have drifted far afield from the simple concept of candidates stumping…

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Say Anything

Like many of you who suffered through the ninety minutes posing as this election’s first Presidential debate, I was perplexed by the demeanor, (or lack thereof), of my guy, while the well-coached Mr. Romney was pre-programmed to bulldoze his message, (or lack thereof), through the confusing format, (or lack thereof),…

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My redesigned website is taking a bit longer than expected to launch.  Besides, I’ve been busy cramming for Wednesday’s debate, (is it still considered a debate if one of the debaters has no opinions to defend?), choosing and stocking the appropriate snacks, and rating the various participating networks to determine…

In: Blog