Archive for December, 2012


I wouldn’t be so callous as to opine, at this time of year anyway, on God’s creation of man versus the more science-based thesis to the contrary, but no one can argue that the other God, the more relevant and all-powerful one, Money, was wholly birthed from man’s highly complex…

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Yours, Mayan and Ours

There I was, unshaven and unwashed, half-reclined in my new comfy chair, surrounded by several of my favorite snacks, prepared, (as one can ever be for these apocalyptic events), to face eternity.  Perhaps global warming can be attributed to altering the prophecy.  Maybe the interpreters of Mayan hieroglyphs were, well,…

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Bang, Bang!

Bob Costas always bugged me.  He has that kind of snide delivery that makes me not care that he knows a lot more about sports than anybody else, (except my nephew, Alex, that is), and as a result I usually tune him out.  Then he goes and uses his platform…

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Take Five

“I hear you’re mad about Brubeck… I like your eyes I like him too!”

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Cliff Notes

I guess as long as political cartoonists, (depicting our pending fiscal showdown as Wile E. Coyote suspended in mid air after chasing bi-partisan compromise off a cliff), are our most cogent public voices, we will have to rely on the Acme Co. to come to the rescue.  We certainly can’t…

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