Archive for November, 2013

Nuclear Option

This should not be confused with the unsuccessful Senate legislation attempted, by Republicans, during W’s administration.  That, very clearly, was the Nucular Option…very different. Stupid name aside, the change to make a simple majority of fifty-one votes replace the dumb super majority of sixty votes necessary to confirm most presidential…

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Dear Barry, (3)

I haven’t written in some time because I figured that reading a note while dodging so many bullets would be difficult at best and wouldn’t lend itself to heeding any sage advice.  But, I think someone needs to say this to you.  You have fucked it all up!  Stop trying…

In: Blog

One of My Drunken Stupors

With only six weeks left in this year’s awards season, just when it was looking like it was a two-way tie between Anthony Weiner and Ted Cruz, out of nowhere comes the surely unbeatable candidate for Political Asshole of the Year, Rob Ford.  Not wanting to offend other fat people…

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Political Humor

Two Congressmen, a Senator and the President walk into a bar…

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