Archive for January, 2015


I was going to go off on the discourteous and disrespectful behavior of the right side of the aisle at last week’s State of the Union Address.  Sure, I get their irritation.  I mean, how dare the President propose such a preposterous agenda as equal pay for women, or fixing…

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!אני צ’רלי

So, a big week for marching and standing up for free speech… …I guess that would have to include support for France’s freely outspoken hatred of Jews.  Don’t they know that Jerry Lewis is…not as funny in English as he must be in French? Crap!!!  This needs a cartoon. !אני צ’רלי

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Je Suis Charlie!

I’m not much of a cartoonist.  I have one go-to, life-long obsessive Chilly Willy-skating-on-an-ice-floe-doodle that has been unconsciously drawing itself whenever I have found myself with paper, (napkins qualifying more often than not), pen or pencil and an odd moment or two at hand.  I have not thought it political…

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2014 was a bumpy joy ride For any number of reasons The economy grew, the RED states too And climate change brought us five or six seasons Congress was a bust It didn’t legislate a thing If you’re like me you’ve waited long enough To hear that fat lady sing…

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