Viva la revolution! Fidel Castro’s 26th of July Movement succeeded in toppling the corrupt US and mafia backed Bautista regime only to spend more than fifty years in economic isolation. Castro’s professed dream of a socialistic people’s republic became its own totalitarian, oppressive regime and the resulting years of trade…
Excuse me for being like the guy that won’t get in step with Ali v Clay or Caitland v Bruce or Istanbul v Constantinople, but I remain a Persia-phile through and through. Why would a lover of Dick and Jane, The Sun Also Rises, The Prophet or even Fifty Shades…
It makes people crazy. It’s hoarded, stolen, worshiped, collected, exchanged, borrowed/lent, counterfeited, begged for, spent-like-a-sailor and “the root of all evil”. It’s real value is, well “less than the paper it’s printed on” but, although there’s no published empirical proof, it’s universally accepted that it “makes the world go ‘round”….
On April 20, 2010 British Petroleum’s Deep Water Horizon began spewing oil into the Gulf of Mexico. It continued, unchecked, for eighty-seven days. The devastation to the water, beaches, wildlife and the lifestyle and livelihood of millions of people in Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida cannot be quantified by simple…