Whether the one thousand-mile by thirty-foot structure being proposed by the intellectually challenged or some metaphorical equivalent, the intent of such a barrier is…let me find just the right word…stupid. Yes, people are sneaking across our Southern border, and, although I have no specific data, I would bet that there…
I guess the sour-faced meanie from The Howdy Doody Show was Buffalo Bob Smith’s benign way of introducing us kids to the reality of braggarts and bullies that we would all inevitably encounter. Although he was scary to the four and five-year-old me, his nasty outbursts were always vanquished by…
The most interesting thing at the Iowa State Fair: Deep-fried, chocolate-dipped, bacon-wrapped butter
This is normally the point in the election cycle where I just can’t help myself from using inappropriate language, lashing out at the sheer stupidity of the candidates while I wonder if there even is a leader for the confused, misled, under-educated country we’ve become. I thought it could have…
It’s human nature to sometimes take a passionate stand, pro or con, solely based on those opposed to or in support of a hot-button issue. It dawned on me, as I was falling feather-like into sleep last night, that I have been solidly on the “con” side of this debate…