Archive for September, 2015

Bye Bye Boehner

Personally, I am not going to miss his orange, weepy face and I actually do hope that the Capital door hits him in the ass on his way out.  His abrupt departure will have about as much impact as his meaningless career in Congress and, for someone whose public profile…

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If You Can’t Say Something…

The fully referred-to version of this motherly advice would certainly seem appropriate in making the world a better and safer place.  It’s abbreviated form, in my humble opinion, should be no less universally heeded. Amidst the clamorous indignation, the huffing and puffing, the fist pounding and foot stomping in defense…

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One Cool Cat

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You’re Out of Order!

I’m imagining Kim Davis, the self-righteous clerk of Rowan County, Kentucky, languishing away in a urine-spattered, over-crowded cell with her bunkmate, Androgynous Andi, praying, (hopefully on her knees in the aforementioned spatterings), to her uncompassionate god.  I’m also hoping that she decides to take this thing as far as she…

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