Archive for February, 2016

Reasonable Doubt

The basis for our system of justice, (amply borrowed from the French, who had studied the Greeks, who must have heard a story or two about Solomon), is empirical evidence, presented beyond a reasonable doubt. The questionable wisdom behind such a vague litmus test, most certainly took into account the…

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Dream On

When I was growing up, the mysterious, yet seemingly real promise of living the American Dream was imbedded into almost every sector of our daily lives. From education to job expectation to financial security, curing disease or flying to the moon, it all seemed within reach. What happened? Well, nothing…

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Finally! Something I agree with.

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Why Conservatism Sucks

It’s become a near-futile exercise, trying to reach the growing numbers of red state conservatives who have been duped into supporting programs and policies that provide less of what they need while jeopardizing the realization of the dreams of what they want. By demonizing government and spending for socially responsible…

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