
Come On!

I keep hearing the analysts on the fake news, (you know, CNN, CBS, Comedy Central), discussing popularity polls, and for the life of me, I can’t fathom how 36% of pollees checked the approval box when asked what they thought of Trump’s Presidential performance.  Certainly, even non-college-educated-white-people can feel when they’re being shit on.  It’s perplexing.  But even more perplexing is how broken Congress has become.  The malfunction didn’t begin with Trump…it’s been crackling and sputtering for a long time.  But this is some biblical, plague-like crap that’s going on now.  That all but a handful, (really, only two or three), of Republican Senators and Congressman have even made a token attempt to stand up to the clown show in the White House, is clear evidence that, despite the arrogance of the pretenders of the most powerful nation in history, democracy, at least the type being played by the current rules, is the failure that Putin says it is.  Congressmen, holding their collective noses against the rotting stink of all things Trump, while trying to snatch a slice of the soul-searing Conservative pie before it all comes tumbling down, have become willing collaborators in the treasonous overthrow of our country.  Without a SWIFT, STRONG, MORAL, INDIGNANT, UNIFIED stand from patriots on both sides of the aisle, we are moments away from a Humpty Dumpty-esque fate.  Come on!