On July 16, 1945, the first atomic bomb test changed the world forever, (well, at least until we engage in the ultimate pissing contest). The horrible reality of dropping the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki should have been all of the information necessary to convince anyone, smart enough to build such an evil machine of destruction, to choose to never, ever build another. But, since humans are arguably the worst species, compared to, well, all the other species, we have, instead, used the last 72 years to produce enough destructive power to render Planet Earth uninhabitable by some number of years with so many zeroes that the actual number of them is philosophically inconsequential.
As a kid, I can clearly remember being scared shitless by threats of nuclear conflict, made ever more terrifying by regular, elementary school air raid drills. I questioned my parents’ decision to not build an underground fall-out shelter to keep us safe after what seemed like an inevitable Russian attack. Some years later, I think after JFK’s handling of the Cuban missile crisis, my mindset changed to a tenuous assurance that, since only someone totally insane would ever really consider nuclear war, (where everyone loses), an option, the shitless factor could be pretty much reined in. But, against every expectation that intellect and science and an innate desire for peace would deter the worst, the World is at its scariest and lunatics of the totally insane variety are seriously considering the end of days. Kim Jung Fuck Face could easily be harboring suicidal thoughts of taking us all out in a final gesture of his supreme being-ness. Radicalized terrorists have insinuated themselves deep into nuclear armed governments and could be one grand gesture away from riding the smoldering ashes of Armageddon up to some promised paradise. And, Jubilation P. Trumpnuts, (seriously, how has he possibly survived nine bumbling months?), has his smirking, empty head placed firmly up his ass and his fat twitchy finger on the button.
When you crawl under your desk to duck and cover, does it matter which direction you’re facing?