
National Pride

There is very little to be proud of when you observe the behavior of the United States of America.  Our fledgling country, (compared to most nations on the planet), was founded on humane principals borrowed from the ‘best’ ideas of other nations’ long-suffering experiments in government.  That foundation, as rhetorically righteous as it may have been laid, was, like most grand notions, the work of flawed and too often disingenuous men who set a welcoming beacon for oppressed people while systematically euthanizing the indigenous inhabitants of the New World, (the irony is palpable if you ponder it too long).  So, here we are, a world power with selectively divided patriotism, fired by baseless sloganeering:  We the People…A more-perfect Union…Liberty and justice for all…All ‘men’ are created equal…Unalienable rights; things that could genuinely evoke a sense of pride, right?  Yet, the words, the intent, (you would hope that it wasn’t always a bullshit scam), have not lived up to the promise.  Today, we are teetering on the precipice of The Fall of the American Empire.  Make no mistake about it.  We are suffering from the divisive backlash from eight years of some of our most pride-inducing history, and the backlasher-in-chief has used his 9 months in office to dismantle, in bold, unconscionable strokes, any progress we have made in 241 years.

Don’t be proud…be angry…take a knee!