Archive for October, 2018

Be Afraid

Without exaggeration or hyperbole or other misleading and fancy words used by, without actually being in the limited vocabulary of our lying-sack-of-shit President, we may only have one last voting opportunity to save the United States and, consequently, the planet from the blackest, most chaotic and destructive chapter in the…

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When did we lose the usual? There used to be a thread From the delicate now to the hopeful future Then it frayed And I fear, may lay unmended In a pile of knee-hole jeans

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I make no bones about the anger and despondency overwhelming every waking and too many of the restless-sleeping moments of my life. Since the 2010 midterms, when the batshit crazy Tea Party, (can you spell Koch brothers?), infiltrated, then dismantled the process of cogent thought by any Republican politician, the fear…

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Show of hands if you don’t recognize the country we’re living in today.  I readily confess to a certain naivety that common sense and conscience and human kindness and the assumed belief that someone will rise from that mysterious place that champions mysteriously arise from is imminent.  Historically, however, that…

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