

In the never-ending conflict of Us v Them, Them is kicking Us’s ass.  Without dipping any part of any toe into the credulity-challenging realm of hyperbole, I am compelled, and not in an off-hand or casual manor, to emphasize that this is one of those biblical, cataclysmic, existential, really, really important moments in human history when it is up to Us to save ourselves from the festering evil, (did I need to mention that U v T is interchangeable with G v E?), that has insinuated itself into every aspect of our lives, sliming its way even to the highest offices in the land.  Them has been way more deliberate and tenacious in Them’s efforts to tear down the advancements Us has made in civil rights, education, gender equality, climate science, social services and corporate responsibility.  Even outnumbered, Them has gerrymandered the likely-to-vote electorate into a right-wing-court-approved, pre-ordained, redistricted joke map, that, in 275 days, will require Us, every single last one of the voting-aged Us, to shut Them the fuck down!  This is not the first time Us has been here.  History, sadly “doomed to be repeated”, is certainly littered with Caesars and Genghises and Attilas and Adolfs and Stalins, (Joes seemed too generic), and ignoring that Us is at a dire tipping point in what will be our and our children’s history, will make Us culpable in its assertion.  Time is running out.  Them has changed the rules of reason and is counting on Us’s apathy to insure our self-inflicted demise.  Us has but one card left to play and it requires all of Us, literally “ALL” of Us, to register and vote.  Start now!  Organize your neighborhood and your community!  Make sure no one is left uncounted!  Find out what is required by your state so you won’t be disqualified and make sure that transportation, in those areas that have made it virtually impossible for people to get to the polls, is not an issue!

This is not a drill!