
…Or Give Me Death!

It seems like this wouldn’t need explaining, but the proliferation of tainted Kool-Aid© stands and the rantings of Tucker Carlson, Rush Limbaugh, Betsy DeVos, Trump and Spence have given me pause.  So, if you or anyone you know, or anyone you may encounter has misinterpreted the impassioned oratory of Patrick Henry, it is important or whatever the term is for way, way, way more than important, to understand that the choice the eloquent Mr. Henry was referring to did not, in any way, equate sending our children to schoolhouse slaughter or opting for cocktail hour, a day at the beach, a ride on Splash Mountain or any unmasked gathering to alternatively staying alive.  The noble choice, to fight to the death rather than live under the oppressive thumb of dictatorial rule, is not akin to spitting in the face of a deadly virus whose return spit is a potential death sentence.  Whatever your cockamamie political or religious beliefs may entail, choosing to Jim Jones yourself, your children and any other human being you may come in contact with before this virus is rendered harmless does not mean you are a freedom-loving Patriot.  It just means you’re stoopid!