

Although it’s a rather gentle-sounding word, by definition:




  1. the state of being involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing.

“they were accused of complicity in the attempt to overthrow the government”

is anything but.

As I find myself, more and more, having to stay close to a water source to douse my hair-on-fire response to the blatantly cruel, dangerous, un-American activity tweeted, blabbered or executively ordered by Dom Trumpleone, my loose embrace of the “not deplorables” dismissal of too-forgiving liberals, has relaxed, ebbed and, finally…poof!  All-a-y’all supporters, enablers, Qanoners and abettors wearing the hats and t-shirts, carrying the mis-spelled signs, cheering and chanting, posting and reposting pulled-out-of-your-ass conspiracy theories and other dumbshit nonsense are accessories to the crimes and abettors to the sociopathic behavior of your soon-to-be-deposed, questionably elected classless president.  As inelegant as Hillary’s comeback landed in response to your shameful mob behavior during the 2016 campaign, I am no longer willing to give anyone a pass for buying and drinking the snake-oil-flavored KoolAid®.  You have had ample time to seek recovery, yet most of you have dug in deeper, enabling the antics of an ill-informed buffoon to play fast and loose with the balances of the world’s complex geo-politics and fragile ecology.  Now, in the face of a lethal pandemic, the actions and inactions of your moron leader are responsible for the murder of thousands and you are complicit!