Archive for November, 2020

Now What?

Well, Thanksgiving…right?  In spite of the piled-on horrors of pandemic, poverty and politics, (alliteration’s a bitch), even this curmudgeonly correspondent, (see?), is able to make a substantial list of reasons to be thankful.  Yet, by my count, we’re 362 days away from what will be, if history holds true, my…

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Abe Lincoln was not completely accurate, if, in fact, his ‘fooling the people’ quote is even something that he said at all.  If he did, I guess I can give him a pass based on the limited flow of information in the mid nineteenth century.  Perhaps he was using a…

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Coup Coup

Don’t breathe easy yet.  Have you noticed that the LOSER of the general election, although unquestionably ‘lame’ and poetically akin to ‘duck’, has no plan to vacate his office; the titled one or the cozy, blimp-shaped oval one.  He has begun to systematically clean house of anyone who has not…

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[I will not gloat…I will not gloat…I will not gloat…] Americans cherish their buzzwords, freedom, liberty, democracy, equality are liberally bandied about, often with little or no attention to proper usage or intent.  Since the crafting of the very colorful language of the Declaration of Independence and the painstaking writing,…

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