Archive for December, 2020

Score Score

Score-Score It looked hopeful at its start As we celebrated the ball drop But then, there was the pesky Trumpian part And the unwatched, streamed-release of Mall Cop Then the shit really hit the fan And by shit, I mean pandemic Which got mired in moronic denial Making health and…

In: Uncategorized


Traditionally, this is my place holder blog, where I confess that I am so overwhelmed by the writing of my New Year’s poem, that I can’t get it up to muster a relevant post.  Pandemically, I guess I have had more opportunity to get ahead of the fast-approaching New Year…

In: Blog


I’ve been tilting at windmills for so long that I find myself guilty of seeing things through a too distant lens.  While I find it impossible not to scream until hoarse at the inexcusable behavior of so many bad actors in our country and around the globe, it hit home…

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106 treasonous Republican members of the House of Representatives went on the official Congressional Record on Thursday, willfully taking a public shit on the Constitution by siding with the delusional, defeated Presidential poser in his bid to discard the result of the 2020 election.  They are in grave violation of…

In: Blog


Ponder this.  There are people, thousands of people, languishing in American prisons for offenses, though illegal and punishable by some legislated statute or other, that are neither dangerous to nor a remedy for their effect on society.  Many, many, many should never have been prosecuted.  Many more should have been…

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