Archive for June, 2021

Side B

In musical parlance, Side B, the flip side, referred to the ‘other’ side of a 45rpm vinyl record.  Artists’ album releases were teased out one ‘single’ at a time in the hope that the best material would entice fans to first buy the 45 and later pony up for the…

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…Biden reminded our European allies that the United States of America is not merely an episode of Trump TV, he let Putin know that Russia is no longer in charge of US foreign policy, the Senate voted unanimously and the House, except for 14 cracker fucktards, overwhelmingly passed, and Biden…

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Not a question, but an answer to a perplexing one.  Why, if most of us care about fairness, truth, kindness, compassion and equality, does the contrary minority seem to triumph time after time after time?  What has hampered that most basic precept of majority rule?  Well, I, like too many…

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greed /ɡrēd/ Noun intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food. It’s probably our most common, intrinsic trait.  We leave the womb screaming for attention and sucking air in search of nourishment and then, for most of us, no matter our socio-economic roulette spin, we finely hone…

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