I really, really want to know. Since the start of Trump’s descendance, (that would be an escalator reference for anyone playing the home game), I have been asking this question, to anyone who supported/supports him, “Why him?” I used to get, “Well, he’s better than that bitch Hillary.” Then it…
trea·son /ˈtrēzən/ noun the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. This has always been a big deal. Outliers who have tried to undermine and overthrow governments have been dealt with in the most capitally-punishable manner, disemboweled, beheaded, burned-at-the-stake, shackled in…
On September 11, 2001, I awoke on City Island next to my newish girlfriend, (now my wife), and looked across the water toward Manhattan. “That’s one helluva fire,” I said. “I can’t even see the towers through the smoke.” The second tower had been struck just moments before. Then, a…
I am totally at sea. I have diligently sought the most fact-based information available in the ever so murky cesspool of what passes as journalism these days, understanding, of course, that I have to use the filter of 75 years of my own carefully honed common sense. I never rely…