Archive for November, 2021


Thanks, Steve

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I don’t have an iconic tune to reference my antonymical send up to last week’s post.  Instead, I conducted a very scientific observation of everyone with whom I came in contact over the past week and, contrary to expectation, the frown, the dire visage, the worried look was scarce…very scarce. …

In: Blog


I love Charlie Chaplin’s haunting melody from Modern Times.  It endured for 18 years before John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons added the timeless lyric that has made it a classic of the American Songbook.  The mix of its melancholy mood and hopeful sentiment has placed it among the most recorded…

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I received an email this week from a learned friend.  In a nutshell, it was about speaking out…good thing?…bad thing?…you know, the frivolous, Quixotic enterprise I pursue each week with varying levels of gusto.  Obviously, I encourage opinion, in particular, the non-baseless variety, the chiding schoolyard comeback or unapologetically obtuse…

In: Blog