Archive for September, 2022


Anyone who saw a clip of Trump’s Ohio rally this week and is still OK with the no-longer-nuanced rise of the American Hitler, please Google some history to see how this is destined to play out for you.  The cultish obeisance to this amoral crackpot, if allowed to fester to…

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There will be a midterm election on November 8, 2022, about 52 days from now.  The United States of America, of course, is kind of country-like, in that we have certain Constitutional declarations that apply, (on parchment, anyway), to us all, yet, we are a Republic of semi-sovereign states that…

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First, a moment of reflection on the 21st anniversary, (seems impossible), of that awful, awful day… I never met Liz II.  I know a lot of people who did.  Two were even knighted by her.  Seems like she was pleasant enough, funny, they say, and dedicated to her haphazard succession,…

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At some point, (and possibly, that could have been from the beginning of time), the ‘how’ something was said far outweighed the ‘what’.  That’s been called lots of things like, the art of persuasion, influence peddling, preaching, lobbying, bull pucky or the six o’clock news.  The Internet, since its miniscule…

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