

It’s become increasingly more difficult to find reliable information.  Whomever you choose to trust, in the classroom, in print, on television or via some app or other, that trust has dwindled in its certainty.  Perhaps we were simply more gullible, naïve or innocent in the Cronkite era, but then the advent of the Internet, without question, made the investigative process way more suspect than just taking Walter’s reportage as gospel.  Wikipedia has become the universally recognized source of reference material, even with the tacit caveat that much of the information contained therein is unsubstantiated at best and possibly, maybe probably, bullshit.  Add to this conundrum the calculated misdirection of politicians and advertisers and the burgeoning growth in balderdash, and we are all left treading water in an unsupported sea of babble, (it took great restraint to not write bubbly babble which is very fun to say).  Ironically, the fakiest and most tyrannical have redirected criticism by labeling honest reporting as “Fake News” and saying it over and over and over.  The cleverest of the snidely villains of veracity is, Rupert Murdock.  When this ultra-conservative nut job wanted to create a mainstream Right Wing Propaganda Network, he called in Fox News.  It’s not news, but it is its name and everyone calls it that and so, by constant repetition, it has infiltrated our consciousness as such.  If we don’t become more vigilant and aware of those that would manipulate us, we could end up electing “Fake Candidates” like George Santos or Elise Stefanik…good grief.