Archive for September, 2023


‘Nuff said

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Train riders hear the warning from the incessant badgering of conductors and pre-recorded loops, reminding them to, “Mind the Gap!”  There’s an entire culture based on people who have a natural, (unnatural?), Letterman-esque gap in the middle of their upper teeth.  There’s the ‘gap year’ which has become an almost…

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L’Shana Tova

5784 Wasn’t it just 5643?

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We are inundated with rules for most of our lives…rules of the house, rules of the game, rules of the road.  Roberts wrote a bunch of rules to help maintain civility and order in both public and private gatherings.  There are religious rules and civic rules that we have elevated…

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I can’t think of any positive spin to put on waste.  I’m challenged, as well, to find examples of it for which humans are not directly responsible.  It comes in many forms:  food, natural resources, opportunity, space and most tragically and maybe encompassing all others, time.  Nearly all human activity…

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