In the seventeen months since Chicken Little’s greatest fears became manifest, the United States of America has backslid, losing 150 years of credibility as a beacon of hope and freedom and opportunity by shaking its bloated, militaristic stick, thumbing its nose at global problems that the rest of the world…
The ‘H’ word. You know, the one toddlers pick up early on from familial and peer conversations, quickly embracing the power, despite, or perhaps emboldened by passionate reprimands for its overtly uncompromising assertion. Let’s face it, humans are programmed to hate, individually, in ethnic and socio-economic groups, logically or otherwise: authority,…
So…nuclear war did not ensue, (yet). As a matter of fact, with regard to the “biggest-greatest-summit-of-all-time”, the meeting between the smirking, despot and the Korean guy, (too harsh?), resulted in no substantial ensuementof any kind. Not that the week was without its moments of international import…we did throw Canada, (I had…
In two days, (I’m thinking that if there’s anybody around in the future to read a chronicle of the event, it has to be nicknamed ‘Bad Hair Day’), the sideshow comes to Singapore and the entire world will focus on two insignificant, (albeit, potentially civilization-ending), crackpots who will match wits,…
Roseanne is not stupid. Somewhere in her history, she was exposed to and then fully embraced a separatist, racially intolerant view of the world. This week, enabled by the Tweeter-in-Chief, she knowingly, albeit “jokingly”, went too far for the sensitivity of the current Disney stewardship, (having boldly come a long…
Remember the Tea Party, (the real one, in Boston, not the anti-American, racist-inspired one of late)? Remember when freedom of speech and an individual’s First Amendment rights took precedence over anyone else’s irrational desire to stifle them? Remember when the United States of America was a homogeneous amalgam of immigrants who…
Some snidely publicist once offered a variation on the notion that, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity!” Well, I could cite a number of instances, Bill Cosby, for one, that would prove him or her wrong, (not that that would prompt a refund or even a lessening of the…
One of my Mom’s final wishes was to fill out her absentee ballot for the 2016 election, “So that that Wilde Chaya, (wild animal), shouldn’t get elected!” I helped her do that, but, sadly, it wasn’t enough to carry Michigan. My Mom was a hoot. She was the youngest of nine,…
It is no surprise that Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump are BFFs. Trump has spent his life gaming NY real estate and business law to create a highly visible, bullshit brand that unapologetically, (literally), abused, cheated and lied to advance his personal, slimy agenda. Giuliani is a grandstanding lawyer/politician who…
I can’t believe that I chose not to rant about this week’s shitstorm of Presidential inanity…maybe just a quick recap: Macron visited the White House with public displays of creepy affection only to be followed by his address to Congress where he pointed out, in no uncertain terms, how Trump…