Posts by: admin

Low Bar

The only instance that comes to mind, where one’s aspirations for the lowest bar would signal a tendency for positive achievement, would be the Limbo.  Other than that mainstay of Calypso revelry at beach parties, bar mitzvahs and various gatherings where live or DJ-ed music is featured, not so much….

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Although, as a kid, my family thought of our Jewish observance as ‘Orthodox-leaning’, in fact, we belonged to a ‘Conservative’ synagogue.  The designation allowed for a more assimilated version of observance that took into account five thousand years of human progress that couldn’t possibly have been foreseen by the architects…

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As a constant observer, (I wish I could look away), of the reporting, spin, bluster, re-spin and back-pedaling misdirection of the facts or alternative-facts of every issue, dire or trivial, I am woefully aware of the need for an appearance of credibility.  Therefore, these facks, my facks, although admittedly pulled,…

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It’s not just me, right?  I mean, this is some uncharted crazy shit going on, and not in a better-than-business-as-usual way.  I’ve tried to turn it off, occupy my mind with work or trivia or snacks, but to no avail.  My new AppleWatch© keeps beeping, and every time I look…

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There’s the common kind, of course, genetically insinuated by thousands of years of shared DNA and then there’s the conditioned sort, lessons tacitly or otherwise handed down from parents and other authoritarian family members; expectations for fitting in to pre- and post-adolescent social interactions; and the pedantic beratings of secular…

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Historically, there have been many documented “problems” with world leaders wielding the powers of their station with less than a “full deck”, (I’ve never been a fan of the wink-wink quote thing, but the nuttiness seemed somehow appropriate here).  I offer but a few examples: Caligula – Emperor of Rome…

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My Bad

I’m told, it takes a big man to admit his mistakes.  I don’t know if I’ll ever be thought of as a big man.  I mean, I’ve never been physically confrontational.  I’ve never been to war, never even been in a fight, unless you call having the shit kicked out…

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Dear Mr. President

In five days, our country will take a leap into a dark, unknown abyss.  I am truly afraid, (outraged and angry), but genuinely terrified that policy and decision making on behalf of our country, and therefore much of the world, will trickle down from an incompetent, self-aggrandizing buffoon through a…

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Our intellect, our ability to reason and make analytical choices based on collected, factual data is the foundation upon which human ascendency as Earth’s dominant species is supported.  Houston…we have a problem.

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MMXVI Wow! Time is definitely speeding up Perhaps it was all the noise Created by the cacophony of political crap From all those nasty girls and boys Or The effect of global warming That’s caused the Earth to spin too fast? Do you think someday the distant future Might happen…

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