D’vash 2.29.1920 – 10.11.2016 She was barely sixty inches tall But her nature was a force To be reckoned with by friend and foe alike And by all who loved her, of course We called her Baube, Mom, Auntie Dorothy D’vash to my dear Dad And though I miss her…
Honestly, I’m practically speechless. Pussy…okay to grab it or not? Talk amongst yourselves!
Admittedly, I am an information junky. I read way too much, check and cross-check information, listen, evaluate and listen some more. For me, even with the laundry list of negatives for Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the alternative of Donald J. Trump is so abhorrent to me, I have, without reservation,…
I believe that perception can be so diverse that screaming arguments can erupt over whether a dress, that is clearly, gold and white, just might possibly be brown and blue. If you’ve ever played Telephone, you’re intimately aware of the inaccuracy of most of the six senses. But, those things…
It defies every law of social interaction. For the rest of us, even an inadvertent misstep, (imprudent lane change, unguarded remark or under-calculated tip), can banish us, (sometimes permanently), to the giant basket of Bloody, Fucking Assholes, while Muffin Head, who deliberately and repeatedly demeans friend and foe alike, gets…
I understand that there is little chance that an actual Trump supporter would ever be reading this, (the literacy thing aside), but on the wild chance… I get your frustration with the status quo. Government is inefficient, wasteful and too often unresponsive to the issues that seem important to the…
Have you ever noticed that the people with the least to contribute usually make the loudest noise? (I’m writing this very, very quietly…just sayin’) It’s probably not a linguistic accident that the word describing the affliction resulting in a lack of speech has become ironically synonymous with being just plain…
Okay, I’m suspending my hiatus on using the name Donald J. Trump, because I’ve been hearing some things and absorbing information that seems too important to keep to myself. I can’t be sure where I heard this stuff or if it just popped into my head like so many of the…
Amidst all of the hoo-ha, name-calling, chest-thumping, finger-pointing, poll-taking and retaking, what’s missing in this campaign, (maybe it’s always been missing), is a comprehensive list of existential, social and economic issues that each candidate should be compelled to address. In fact, that list should be all they are allowed to…