Posts by: admin

Going for Gold

It’s an Olympic year and thousands of mostly young athletes have marched into Brazil with varying degrees of expectation that they will leave as medalists and, Zeus willing, gold medalists.  The IOC, the very, very profitable governing body of both the summer and winter every-four-year testosterone frenzy, has honed the…

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What Matters

It’s certainly not the crap that gets the most press and attention. Politics obviously doesn’t matter.  The baseless bullshit that masquerades for the causes and programs proposed by candidates and incumbents alike has minimal cumulative import and even less inherent benefit to the health, safety or emotional well-being of us,…

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Black Lies Matter

This might be hard, because along with my very, very low carb diet, I’ve vowed to wean myself off of using his name.  Anyway, here goes. I’ve been reading a lot about truth and lies lately.  A few months ago, the “Ethicist”, in The NY Times, began a discussion on…

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I’ve been a political junkie for as long as I can remember, (I’ll add the ‘wow…since last Tuesday?’ part so that I can save some of you the sarcasm).  I listened to party conventions on the radio and later sat mesmerized by the pomp, circumstance and balloon barrages, first in black…

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Gray Matter(s)

It’s illogical to be expected to assume the position, (how many of us can still bend over and grab our ankles?), that “black” or “all” or some other designated, put upon demographic matters.  And yet, in the aftermath of public tragedy and unimaginable atrocity, reactionary alignment, validating our differences, is…

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It’s an irrevocable, irrational emotion that creeps into our unsuspecting psyche in our earliest, most pliable years, initially directed at food, (often green in color), too-huggy relatives, scratchy clothing, bedtime and school.  It is nurtured by the overtly thoughtless behavior of family, friends and the unfiltered and unending barrage of…

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Ariana Gillis

I smiled, just typing her name.  Listening to her sing, being taken in by the poetry of her lyrics and the simple harmonic complexity of her music takes me to a whole other happy place.  In the few years that I’ve known Ariana, I have been witness to the confidence…

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Brexit of Champions

So much for choosing wisely… I just finished redacting the “Older but wiser” reference from both my hard and digital copies of Bartlett’s, after something pretending to be democracy, (although that queen thing really muddies that allusion), led seventeen-and-a-half million Brits to choose hate, fear, suspicion, bigotry and isolationism over…

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It isn’t any wonder that, at least in the English/American vernacular, “choice” has become the hipster equivalent of good…really good.  The ability to choose, the luxury of having choices and the very powerful emotional satisfaction of thinking you’ve chosen correctly are among the most basic gifts of humanity.  Certainly, there…

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Party Line

Often, I think it’s just me, but this time, not so much.  I can certainly understand why thirteen plus million people are ready to get in lock, (or goose), step with Herr Trump.  Fox News and the NRA and fundamentalist religious dogma have nurtured their fear of facts and inability…

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