Posts by: admin


Stupidity is not our best choice for a safer and brighter future. The big, dumb, oafish bully who thinks he’s going to build a thousand-mile-long wall, round up and bus out 11,000,000 undocumented people, kick the asses of all the terrorists…and their families, and rewrite everything about international trade by…

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I love that Bernie Sanders has expended so much public energy railing against income inequality, but if you make an even cursory study of the depth of this divide, it becomes painfully obvious that neither lip service nor any legislative process short of a total “redo” will ever change a…

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As Donald Trump continues to double down on his inflammatory romp through America, playing to the fears and disappointments of his millions of drooling, hate-filled, poorly educated, intolerant, misinformed followers, the news clips, sound bites, twitter feeds and the resultant, endless conversation are all disturbingly devoid of veracity, compassion or any…

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We Are Humpty

Like the balance-challenged Mr. Dumpty, we are teetering, possibly one fall away from not being able to be put back together again. I could hold true to form and simply rage against the moronic lunacy of the Republican, (Conservative? Trumpian?), freak show, but the culpability for our pending demise runs…

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Reasonable Doubt

The basis for our system of justice, (amply borrowed from the French, who had studied the Greeks, who must have heard a story or two about Solomon), is empirical evidence, presented beyond a reasonable doubt. The questionable wisdom behind such a vague litmus test, most certainly took into account the…

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Dream On

When I was growing up, the mysterious, yet seemingly real promise of living the American Dream was imbedded into almost every sector of our daily lives. From education to job expectation to financial security, curing disease or flying to the moon, it all seemed within reach. What happened? Well, nothing…

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Finally! Something I agree with.

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Why Conservatism Sucks

It’s become a near-futile exercise, trying to reach the growing numbers of red state conservatives who have been duped into supporting programs and policies that provide less of what they need while jeopardizing the realization of the dreams of what they want. By demonizing government and spending for socially responsible…

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If this was a TV show, whomever was having this dream, (you know, the one where Trump is the frontrunner for the Republicans and Bernie Sanders is kicking Hillary’s ass, which may not even matter if the FBI throws her in the slammer, and Michigan is poisoning everybody in Flint,…

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She’s Back

Because this is America, everyone has the Constitutional right to say almost anything short of threatening a Federal official, yelling “FIRE!” in a knowingly incendiary-less theater or using otherwise actionably slanderous language. Nothing, other then our individually calibrated moral compasses, demands us to be truthful and there are even less…

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