Posts by: admin

My Fellow Americans…

These are the words that we always hear each year, just before the President begins to feed us a diatribe of well-spun reasons why we, Americans, are better, richer, more powerful, admired, beloved and luckier than anyone else…anywhere else on Earth. This year’s State of the Union began as always,…

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Background Chex®

First of all, I don’t understand what all the fuss is about; Chex® in the background or the foreground, in a yummy, buttery mix…how did this become such a divisive issue? And the gun show thing…that would be about sugary cereal, no? Regardless, polls have been taken and a majority…

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I have set hundreds of preposterous goals in my life with a better than average ATTAINMENT:FAILURE quotient. I think it’s due to my parents tacitly instilling a “you-can-achieve-anything-you-really-set-your-mind-to” attitude somewhere in my impressionably young, subconscious mind. I learned to fly, (if you jump from the top of the stairs of…

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Really. Unless you’re in a part of the world being hit by tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, civil war, holy war, drought, famine, disease or an extraordinary preponderance of painfully pussy boils, other than the good or bad news regarding the upsurge or downswing in Christmas sales, I’m a little stumped for…

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Dear Santa

I really don’t need one damn thing, Please, no more gift cards that I’ll just forget to redeem anyway. I’ve got three drawers full of socks and a sweater for every day of the year. I barely have time to look, watch, listen or Google with the electronic crap I…

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195 to Zero

195 nations, (that’s nearly all of them), meeting in Le Bourget, France, have agreed on a comprehensive framework aimed at abandoning reliance on fossil fuels, needless, wholesale deforestation, and the indiscriminate use of non-recyclable materials.  The agreement sets goals for capping and reducing global temperatures through an unprecedented, unified and…

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Knee Jerk

The ‘knee jerk’, which is physiologically distinguishable from, though often colloquially synonymous with ‘big dumb jerk’, has become the primary, although illogically impetuous stimulus of social and political motivation.  The momentary outrages played out in a barrage of sound bites and news clips, (following what seems to be daily and…

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Sorry, Ben

I realize that I have been especially critical of the Republican candidates.  I’ve tried, (really), to find some common ground, or even some uncommon ground, rooted in a belief or a philosophy or the simplest idea that would benefit people or the environment or that economy thing, and all I…

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Genetically speaking, there is no “them”.  We are all the same gooey mass of fleshy, bony, hairy, liquidy parts, stylized by multiple environmental factors and random mutations, but upon microscopic, (make that atomic microscopic), scrutiny…family. Somehow, in the 2,000,000 to 10,000,000 years, (that seems to be the best estimate of…

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I have a suggestion for anyone biding their time in anticipation of The Ascension, or anxious to take themselves and other uncommitted participants out on their way to Paradise, or to make any determination to the life or liberty of others than themselves, based on some cockamamie, mystical belief system:…

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