Posts by: admin

Brotherly Love

I was specifically asked not to bore anyone with a rant about Donald Trump’s announced candidacy and his accompanying SNL-ish speech. Can I, at least, officially nominate him for this year’s Donald Sterling Award, honoring unfathomable stupidity and bigotry?  And, anecdotally point out that that danish-headed, (that’s danish, like the…

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Just a Sec

Obama’s been smoking crack or something that’s seriously scrambled his brain, as he opens the door to send troops back to Iraq.  Lebron James flashed his junk on network TV.  The Republicans are well on their way to breaking their previous record for the number of half-wits they can shoehorn…

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Triple Crown

Although it sounds like an all-day, extremely painful dental procedure, the very rare “sporting event”, (37 years since it was last accomplished), wherein a stunted human straddles a highly inbred equine, beating him with a whip as incentive to run faster than the other little men aboard their respective horses,…

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I confess…I’m no expert when it comes to most professional sports.  Soccer, or futbol, for instance, can be paint-dryingly yawn-inspiring when spectated by the ill-informed or casual viewer.  It’s not easy to grasp its high degree of rabid fan devotion unless you have irrationally shouted at a non-responsive TV broadcast…

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We love holidays…and parades.  The calendar is so fully crammed with commemorations, honoraria, anniversaries and birthdays, both heartfelt and frivolous, that Hallmark® barely has time to rearrange its featured selections so that say, “Podiatrist’s Day” gets a fair shake coming right on the heels, (sometimes these gems are unintentional), of…

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What a cool word, with two very powerful, yet seemingly unrelated definitions:      1.  a formal declaration that someone is guilty of a criminal offense, made by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law.       2.  a firmly…

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Ode to Moms

Ode to Moms Where would we be without you? You carried us to term Most of us love you unconditionally For others Something turned the worm It’s complicated, Freudian Between mothers and their kids Some moms procreate for nourishment Like snakes and katydids While others opt for nurturing Sometimes suffocatingly so…

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For as long as I can remember there have been conservationists and environmental crusaders banging on pots, marching with their hand-drawn placards, pontificating on soapboxes and banding together in more organized and well-funded groups like the Sierra Club or the Cousteau Society.  Their singular goal, if I may be simplistic,…

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I don’t know that much about Dr. Oz, (I think he’s the real Oprah doctor, not the fake, Dr. Phil one), or the hullabaloo surrounding his endorsement of suspect weight-loss products, but the media frenzy and his impassioned, yet half-hearted response to claims that he is knowingly hawking snake oil…

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Going Postal

I get Doug “Gryrocopterman” Hughes’ frustration on many levels.  As a postman, his awareness of the need to personally deliver important mail, rather than to trust the hit-or-miss USPS, is an issue with which I have wrestled on numerous occasions, (just try to actually track something you’ve sent by the…

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