If I was, say…Ayatollah Joelie, for instance, and I had, like, most of my country bowing to my every pronouncement, I think I could come up with something a little more inspiring than, “Death to America!” as my go to rallying cry. Not that it doesn’t seem to play well…
Here’s the reason a room full of powder-wigged-smarty-pants forefathers knew that a new nation, whose most fundamental precepts were freedom and equality, (except, of course, for the human chattel which somehow didn’t figure into their original vision), for “all”, had to mandate a distinct separation of church and state: Religions…
Just to be clear, TED Talks® are insightful, educational, entertaining presentations by compelling presenters on subjects meant to stimulate creative thought. When Ted Cruz talks, not so much. I’m not expecting to expend much energy commenting on the antics of Senator Cruz. He’s a rather meaningless, moronic, monkey-boy of the…
There’s a lot of renewed vigor in the conversation about racism as a result of improper police activity, (especially toward young, black men), irresponsible frat boy behavior, (as if responsible frat boy behavior was even a thing), the immigration debate, (in particular when it comes to that “pesky Meskin issue”),…
I’m probably not supposed to be writing to you. Besides, I keep hearing your leaders calling for the annihilation of all Jews, of which I am one, and death to America, where I live, and that you’ve been busting your ass to get a nuclear weapon, which I’m totally against…
I like Pharrell Williams’ music. I don’t find it deep or insightful but it makes me bop in a not “would-you-please-make-it-stop?” kinda way…oh, and “Happy” makes me…happy, although I’m genuinely concerned that it has instilled in millions of young poets a tacit laziness by popularizing the rhyming of “roof” and…
Dorothy Moss, my Mom, is 95 today harmdor1@comcast.net In case you’d like to send her a note or contribute to some worthy cause in her honor or if you want to send cash to buy me that pony I’ve always wanted, which I’m sure would make her very, very happy.
It dawned on me, (and I’m embarrassed to say that it took this long), listening to the thirtieth or fortieth playback of Rudi Giuliani whining about Obama not loving America, in general, or any one of us, specifically, that the reason so little gets done is directly attributable to the non-productive…
Can I get a show of hands of anyone who has embellished, exaggerated or out-and-out fabricated a story to make yourself seem bigger, better, braver or somehow more important than you really were in some real, partly real or wholly imagined situation? Now, for those with their hands up, keep…
Sam Brownback is a second term Governor of Kansas. He is a non-apologetic, ultra-conservative, evangelical Republican who ran on a platform of slashing all taxes but especially corporate taxes, believing in the bogus idea that giving big businesses a virtual free ride would ignite their natural tendency toward socio-economic altruism,…