Posts by: admin

Valentine’s Day, etc.

It’s difficult for me, (although I’m hopelessly romantic), to not focus a cynical eye on today’s Hallmark©-ambushed “holiday”.  Using both eyes to take in the bubbling magma that is 21st Century ideological enterprise, it is no wonder that we are adrift in a sea of tea bags. We have universally…

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Runaway Blog

I had some very important things to say this week.  However, I borrowed a friend’s Toyota and I am barreling down the NY State Thruway, completely out of control and unsure if blogging and texting are legally the same thing…I guess getting pulled over isn’t an option anyway.  Hey!  There’s…

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Sate of the Union

Most of us, very lucky, post Great Depression Americans have enjoyed a long run of what we’ve come to believe is well-deserved prosperity.   Surely, the “revolutionary” industrial and technological innovations of the 20th century, (in great part lead by Americans), were historic in their breadth of enhancing quality of life…

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Mass. Transit

tran•sit (noun) – in the process of traveling or being transported from one place to another Last week I didn’t know much about Scott Brown and Martha Coakley.  Well, as it turns out, she’s an arrogant, do-nothing politician and he’s an arrogant, do-less-than-nothing politician.  Neither brought much to their campaigns in…

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A Week in Review

What a week, huh?  A horrible tragedy in Haiti, (as if Haitians needed any further misery in their lives), the too-close-to-call race for Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat in Massachusetts, (wouldn’t that be the epitome of irony if his seat is the one to stop health care reform?), reports of huge…

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Too Much Info

This week, the Department of Homeland Security, the innocuous agency with the mandate to protect us from further 9/11-like atrocities, responded to the failed Christmas terror attack at Detroit Metro airport by announcing a clampdown on travel originating in fourteen highly-suspect, (Muslim), countries.  It also added hundreds of names to…

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I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m starting to feel like a character in an Arthur C. Clarke or George Orwell novel.  You know, one of those guys who gets caught up in the turmoil of conspiracy by human or AI villains hell bent on universal domination for no…

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Too 09

Too ‘09 Here we are again, it’s New Year’s day And while others make resolutions I ponder, ‘cause I’m the pondering sort The possibilities of solutions To conundra, complex and trite Over which I have little power How to clean the air How to stop all war How to righten…

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A Decade: 2000-2009

Whenever I hear the word ‘decade’, I’m reminded of a list I once read which defined it as:  something you use to preserve the wood on your patio.  That same list also explained ‘asphalt’ as:  a rectal disorder. The waning decade, that did not bring us the Y2K apocalypse, made…

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Most Likely to…

Some of you may know the story of my absence from my senior high school yearbook.  Though the details of that story are unimportant here, the subtext might infer a certain bitterness on my part for the various, “most likely to” assignments, (passed out by God knows whom, but reflected…

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