Posts by: admin

Bad Behavior

What does it say about we humans that, (except for the oddball Mother Theresa, Ed Begley, Jr. or Forest Gump), our general behavior is so far less than admirable, that even Jiminy Cricket would be loath to keep most of us in line?  I can’t begin to count the number…

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Dear Mr. President:

December 6, 2009 President Barak Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20006   Dear Mr. President: Please note that I have purposely retreated from my “Dear Bar” salutation of previous correspondence in the hope that you may take this more to heart. I followed, via leaks…

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Thanks…a Lot!

I’ve always loved Thanksgiving, (finally, a national poll in which I would fall within the overwhelming majority).  For me, there’s the vivid memory of family gathered at my Auntie Annie’s house for the feast, the football games and all of the other trappings of the day.  When I moved to…

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Bureaucratic Incompetence 101

You know what burns my ass, even more than a three-foot, scented Yankee candle?  It’s all the mindless conservative posturing about evil government this and too much government that.  Well, move over Rush!  If the present bureaucracy-in-charge continues to shoot itself in its collective foot, (even using a politically correct…

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Hey, There’s Water on the Moon!

A few weeks ago, NASA rocketed a bomb into a crater on the lunar surface followed by a second payload of data-gathering devices.  They were trying to determine if there was water on the Moon, and guess what?  They say there is.  So, I’m taking that information, (I long ago…

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’m not certain where the contemporary term ‘SPIN’ came from, but I’m going to decide, (for myself and anyone who wants to tag along), that some smart ass politico coined it late one night during a conversation that went something like this: “Damn it, Dick!  When this gets out you…

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Four More Questions

Yeah, I know it’s not Passover, but… Q’s 1.  Is it just me, (again), or could the drug manufacturers who were given the contracts to supply the H1N1 vaccine be screwing up on purpose to underline just how inept the government is in trying to run health care?  Add to that paranoid…

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The Invention of Lying

I saw a really terrible movie the other day, “The Invention of Lying”.  The premise was funny enough, (everybody told the truth about everything because the alternative, lying, hadn’t been invented yet), but you got the gist of it in the first five minutes and then they beat you over…

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That’s Entertainment

I freely admit to being a media junky.  I love well-written, well-directed, convincingly acted comedy and drama whether on stage, on film or taped before a live studio audience.  I find myself transfixed by responsibly researched reporting on a wide range of subjects and am addicted to TV and radio…

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The Prize of Peace

Alfred Nobel, (Swedish – 1833-1895), in his last will and testament, set aside the lion’s share of his enormous fortune to award achievements that enhance the human condition, both physically and spiritually.  That his magnanimy was a final mea culpafor being a worldwide arms merchant and the inventor of dynamite, is probably a…

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