I’m conflicted. I was sure I was a 100% free speech guy. Go ahead! Say whatever you want! Call me names! Sticks and stones and all that, don’t you know? But…when a man…or a woman…says things that have dire consequences, there is a need for an addendum to the Constitution. …
There’s probably another word I’m looking for, (go ahead and weigh in), other than the Carrie White condition of moving things around with one’s thoughts, (I actually spent way too much time yesterday, trying to mind meld with my car keys), but this will get my point across and, besides,…
gov·ern·ment /ˈɡəvər(n)mənt/ Noun – the governing body of a nation, state or community In my fourth grade Civics class, (it might have been fifth or even sixth…I have to pull a lot of time-based memory indistinctly out of my ass), page one of the text book, the cover of…
I can’t think of a culture, at least a twenty-first century culture, where child molestation, sexual deviance and, most certainly, murder are deemed acceptable and, consequently, are harshly punished. So, when the leader of the “free” world has publicly bragged about his dalliances with teenage beauty pageant contestants, been accused…
My posts are rarely about me, (unless my point-of-view is somehow misconstrued as being ‘me’), but this week, my life, the very me-ness of the universe that begins in some obscure synaptic wrinkle of my brain, began a happy dance that, for the first time in more than four years,…
Our views on the subject of Donald Trump are so diametrically opposed that I have no illusion that anything that I write here can sway your steadfast loyalty to him. Yet, this moment in time is so much more than a popularity contest pitting one imperfect human against another. We…
We are faced with choices, lots and lots of choices, every day. Most are so seemingly inconsequential that they are made without conscious deliberation. Others are more dire and can seriously impact our health and welfare and safety. Often, time is a factor, requiring a quicker focus for background and…
I’m sorry…although many things may be literally aflame, I confess to the illegal and profoundly antisocial use of such an extreme alert. A hook-and-ladder squad may not be specifically required, but the impending danger is no less dire. So, yes, this is an all-hands alarm call for a nation-wide bucket…
Talk about a word that just rolls off your tongue… It’s not folly or happenstance that the antonym and antithesis to my last post possesses such muscular potential. I’d venture to opine that, when focused rather than randomly scattered, its power far exceeds its counterpart. It pops up in heartwarming…
It’s a powerful word. It takes a lot of breath to make its sound. Responsible parents and well-prepared preschool teachers, Mr. Rogers and the benevolent, life-lesson-sharing denizens of Sesame Street have cautioned against the intractable nature of its use. It’s wrong…right? And yet, HATE, which seems to have purchase in…