I’m not sure if there’s any credence given to the supposition that a disagreeable late-night snack can contribute to a troubling dream sequence. In general, I’m neither a regular nor reliable dream-rememberer, nor am I prone to bouts of indigestion, (reverie-inducing or otherwise). But…I awoke this morning, with the vivid…
Not that I haven’t said it in many ways before… Even if you get your data from the Classic Comic, (do they still have those?), version of World History, you don’t have to delve very deep or even pay too close attention to understand how fear and divisiveness have been…
…not necessarily the political opposite of Left, although, as I write this, I’m not so sure that’s the case. What I’m going for is the antithesis of Wrong, and the relationship that is the touchstone for most civilized understanding of what constitutes sanity. This theme has been parsed and pondered…
And one more, (maybe more than one), thing… Stop with the hearings! You’re simply pissing off the choir and emboldening the Kool-Aid®-slurping-Stepford-People who are not going to be swayed by your incredulous ineptitude at uncovering the truth. Of course, I still truly believe that our team has the smartest players,…
Enough already! Enough with the stupid, pretend debates and snarky sniping at one another! Enough trying to find bullet points and leverage and poll surge and demographic acceptance! Right now, in this unique moment in time when the world is literally spinning out of control, it is first and foremost…
Politics? What politics? I have been obsessed, for as long as I can remember, with friendship, the inexplicable human attraction that, in its most basic form, cannot be parsed, diagrammed or explained in reliably irrefutable language. We have all experienced or observed the phenomenon. Thirty or so preschoolers, previously unknown…
It’s the one word, when shouted in public, that will get everybody’s immediate and undivided attention. I just thought I’d give it a try. Of course, it’s also one of those Freedom of Speech exceptions if misused, so, you better be damned sure there’s something burning, or even your best intentions…
It seemed to me that this Grimm way of beginning a fairytale was appropriate to this week’s grim story. …in the Land of Queens, a blubbery, excessively-white, male-ish, soulless child was born with a silver spoon crammed so far up his ass that his eyes saw the world as being…