

Cuba has not been a threat to the United States since…well, ever.  When Kennedy, (perhaps the last time a sitting President used his cajones for something other than…you know), backed down the Russian attempt to set up missile sites ninety miles off our coast, the Cuban threat level dropped to…

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At Any Cost

It’s official…we have lost any credence for being the leader of the free world except in our still overpowering supremacy as a bullying military force. This week we aired some of our dirtiest laundry in the years-long report on CIA torture.  In the ensuing, unprecedented grilling of CIA chief, John…

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Let’s See…

…it seems that Bill Cosby has had some predatory, sexual issues, (now that I think of it, he has mostly used that smarmy, deviant voice in his stand-up for decades…and Fat Albert, don’t get me started). This makes me deeply sad, for the alleged victims, of course, but also for…

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Short-Term Memory

The thing about short-term memory loss is, how would you remember if you have it?  Many of us rely on our family and friends to fill in the blanks when that significant date, or detail of an event, or our mother’s maiden name, (you’d think that would be a reliable…

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Bill Me!

Way to go, Barry! And…to every worthless, obstructionary Republican, publicly stomping your feet in fire-breathing indignation, threatening biblical retribution and filing lawsuits against ObamaCare while continuing your now six-year refusal to even propose any legislation of import…SHUT UP!

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Executive Action

Although all of the blather coming from the idea-less, pointless, obstructionist and shameful excuses for “representatives of the people” makes me want to call them out, individually, with a most eloquent and sophomoric list of expletives, I’ve decided to go in the other direction. We need to stop the inhumane…

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A Step to the Right

Although a fun maneuver during the audience participation of Let’s Do the Time Warp, Again, Tuesday night’s tally of a shameful 35% of eligible American voters, gives a Congressional, bicameral majority the mandate to move further in that direction to the continued detriment, decay and eventual demise of our once…

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Fall Back

It’s that day again. Can’t we stop this nonsense and keep the sun out past 3pm in December?  Show of hands if an extra hour of sleep is compensation enough for making us more like dreary, too-dark-too-long Norway. The other kind of fall back, the position that far-thinking people are…

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I hate rhetorical questions…don’t you? Why wouldn’t a doctor, treating Ebola patients in West Africa, be quarantined for twenty-one days before getting on a commercial flight to his home in Brooklyn, hopping on a subway, (or two), going bowling and out to a crowded restaurant? Why would anyone choose corporate…

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“My I’mPossible Dream” – Alex Hale

  Click the photo to play “My I’mPossible Dream”

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