
Being Papa

Better than anything!

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Hey…NSA! It’s Me…Joelie

I thought, that if it ever became official that the government was spying on everything I did and said, that I would be paranoid, at the very least, and outraged, of the anarchic-retaliatory variety.  Fundamentally, it is pretty creepy.  The “machine”, (used primarily for good on Person of Interest), is…

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Bye Bye Bachmann

Ok, so the poster child for dumbfuck has decided, for whatever reason, not to run for reelection to Congress.  Since her announcement was not followed by any immediate outpouring of disappointment, saddened sniffling or even a miniscule chorus of heartfelt “awwwwwws”, perhaps I can put into perspective the arc of…

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Spin Cycle

As horrible as most news reporting has become, (CNN is like a never-ending SNL skit), the non-stop barrage of on-the-scene disaster reporting from every angle, including relentless interviews with victims, relatives of victims, acquaintances of neighbors of relatives of victims, and smart-phone-wielding “eye witness” reporters, is secondarily challenged by the…

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Scandals and government have been inseparable since…well, since the very first scandal disgraced somebody in the very first government.  They’ve involved abuse of power by means of manipulative clandestine chicanery or blatant, planned or passionate violence.  Lying, cheating, misrepresentation and my personal favorites involving comments made on forgotten open microphones,…

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Thinly disguised as giving a shit about the events surrounding the tragic attack on the US diplomatic mission in Benghazi, the irrepressible Congressional Republicans began their blatant anti-Hillary campaign this week.  I’m not sure if they will be able to keep up the pressure for the three years until the…

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Not Tao or Dao, the indefinable philosophical state of harmonic spiritual balance, but DOW the equally indefinable Jones average that is daily fretted or rejoiced over, bandied about in casual conversation like the weather, analyzed and reanalyzed and then blamed or credited with the good or bad of…well, just about…

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Congressional To-Do List

To-Do List Exempt Airlines from Sequester       DONE Mani/Pedi                                             Tuesday Beyonce on Letterman                        Wednesday  Misc Shit Education Climate…

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Note to Senate

Imagine just being told that a deranged gunman, (the kind with those crazy, googly eyes that all those deranged gunmen have), who couldn’t pass a blood test no less a background check, has just shredded your son or daughter or spouse or brother or sister or mother with a semi-automatic…

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This Isn’t Funny

Jonathan Winters 1925-2013

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