
It’s Stupid…the Economy!

It’s not like we, (I’m referring to the collective USA ‘we’), don’t have the tools and opportunity to be much, much more than we are.  So, why are we squandering the greatest opportunity in the history of the world?  I guess the answer lies in the murky realm of the…

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Everyday Rapture

I began my blog almost two year’s ago with a very positive piece about my nephew and since then, even trying on many pairs of rose-colored glasses, my commentary has erupted, (see Eyjafjallajokull reference, April 18, 2010, They Shoot Arizonans…Don’t They?), mostly from the dark side.  Lest you think that I…

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Financial Reform

Let’s see, during the financial meltdown, a bunch of watch dogs at the SEC were spending more than half of their work days surfing porn on the InterNet, (probably causing them to miss a thing or two), another gaggle of investment brokers at Goldman Sachs were texting or emailing each…

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They Shoot Arizonans…Don’t They?

In Arizona, it will soon be legal to carry a concealed weapon, without a special permit.  I’m not exactly sure why they’ve decided that this is important, but I’m definitely changing the route of “Hopscotch Across America”, (I’m thinking a pledge of 10 cents per hop for any of you wishing…

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Where the Buck Stops

HST understood the importance of publicly taking responsibility, for better or for, (Hiroshima/Nagasaki), worse.  We could certainly do with a bit more culpable accountability, in general, but most importantly from those with a large public forum.  Most kids learn early on, after being caught red-handed, (is that some Cain reference?),…

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Great Expectations

I’ve always had lofty expectations.  I can’t really remember a time when I wasn’t looking ahead to something grander in all of the areas that truly matter in life:  wealth, station, love, power, a cool blue and silver Schwinn Roadmaster, (aka iPad 3G).  Aging has changed, but never lessened the…

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Did you hear?  The Health Care Reform Act is now LAW.  And the complicated, contentious concept of Universal Health Care for all Americans has inched closer to reality.  That anyone would oppose this notion, (holding separate those in the health insurance industry who fear any threat to their daily windfall…

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What They Don’t Know…

The global panic brought about by the near collapse of the US economy has melted everyone’s brains.  Shouldn’t we all stop breathing into our paper bags long enough to ask the fundamental question, “Where did all the money go?”  I think we’d discover…it didn’t go anywhere!  The same insurance companies…

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Poster Children

Under the heading of, “Sometimes You Just Can’t Make This Shit Up”, along comes Eric Massa of my most recent home state of NY.  So, the guy is a fun-loving, sexually confused tickler…I’ve got no problem with that.  So, he had a gay old time in the Navy…honorable…at least according…

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A Whole Lotta Shakin’

I’ve mastered the pronunciation of seismologist, (the trick is to get your tongue out of the way after the ‘eis’ part so you can get your lips around the ‘molo’…the ‘gist’ will take care of itself as long as you don’t ‘sh’ the ‘st’), but, those guys are just high…

In: Blog